
Find growth, inspiration and a deeper understanding of people, within your industry or sector.

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  • Automotive & Mobility
    Vehicle light trails
    Are you ready to drive the future of mobility? Get clear guidance to better understand people and lead the way to a world of connected mobility.
    See how we can help
  • Consumer Packaged Goods
    Whether old favourites or innovative challengers, these brands touch the lives of most consumers multiple times each day. Kantar helps you deliver the goods.
    See how we can help
  • Energy & Utilities
    As perceptions around energy change, we provide vital insights around sustainability, growth and purpose, in order to spark innovation and create a powerful brand.
    See how we can help
  • Fashion, Beauty & Luxury
    Makeup brush and powder
    Whether it's fast fashion, sustainable beauty, affordable luxury or a personalised shopping experience, we help you understand and follow the key trends.
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  • Finance
    Building reflections
    With insights around changing customer expectations and the competitive banking landscape, Kantar can ensure you stay on the money.
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  • Health
    DNA model
    Understand the views of healthcare professionals and patients worldwide, to ensure you always have the perfect remedy.
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  • Hospitality, Leisure & Travel
    Around the corner or on the other side of the world, Kantar helps all industry players to deliver experiences that go the extra mile.
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  • Media
    Whether you’re trying to reach and engage via media activity, or looking to understand audiences, Kantar helps you channel the right insights.
    See how we can help
  • Retail
    Shopping bags
    Keeping up with the changes in retail has never been more complex, and you need big ideas and fast implementation to win. Talk shop with us.
    See how we can help
  • Technology & Telecoms
    Technology is changing everything. Plug in to Kantar's expertise to understand the path to adoption and usage, and the key trends to uncover growth.
    See how we can help