Offer Development

Create, screen, package and launch new products and services that will deliver incremental growth and build your brand.
offer development

Create and optimise winning concepts

Get the right idea, early. Nurture and develop new products and services that reach the market fast and grow portfolio sales.

Create, screen and validate winning pack designs

Develop packaging that builds desire for your products, drives incremental sales and gets your brand noticed.

Gain competitive advantage

Get fast, reliable insight throughout the innovation journey, so you can develop superior products that meet people’s needs.

Optimise the offer

Based on consumers’ willingness to pay, we build product and price scenarios that will maximise your brand revenue and profit.
Featured solutions
We monitor CPG purchasing and consumption trends across retail channels, through the biggest consumer panels globally.
New products fail at an alarming rate. To drive success you need fast, reliable insight throughout the product development cycle.
Develop packaging that builds demand for your products, drives incremental sales, and gets your brand noticed.
Kantar Marketplace innovation and product development

Innovation and product development on Kantar Marketplace 

Propel business growth with agile consumer feedback solutions built for every phase of the innovation and product development lifecycle.
Find out more