Brand Footprint 2024 edition

Read the 2024 edition

In this edition we have examined 42,800 brands across 62 markets on five continents to uncover the secrets of brand resilience in the FMCG market.

Brand Footprint 2024 edition

Explore the data

Access the data and rankings from all the countries and sectors. Learn more about your brand’s global footprint and how is it doing compared to the most chosen brands in other sectors and markets.

Brand Footprint 2024 edition

What is Brand Footprint

Kantar’s Brand Footprint ranking reveals how consumers around the world are buying FMCG brands today, highlighting the opportunities that remain for brands to improve their position.
Brand Footprint 2024 edition

Watch the webinar

In this webinar, we go through this year's most important findings, including:

• Get a sneak peek at our hotly anticipated brand rankings and hot lists, which will highlight the winners and the challengers in this dynamic environment.
• Discover the profound changes influencing consumer behaviour.
• Learn how local brands are increasingly outpacing their global rivals.
• Case studies galore!

Get in touch

Interested in learning more about Brand Footprint, or how we can help your brand be chosen more frequently? Enter your details below, and one of our experts will be in touch soon.