Improve business performance with advertising that meets your growth objectives. When building target audiences for TV, digital, and CRM campaigns, tap into shopper behaviour and purchase data to improve results and drive sales. Targeting based on purchase behaviour yields a 21% increase in sales from digital channels compared to traditional methods*. With purchase-based targeting, you can reach new customers, prioritise shoppers with a high propensity to buy, and reduce wasted media spend by focusing on the audiences that matter most.

Reach the right shoppers

Target the shoppers with the most growth potential based on their buying behaviour and trends. Kantar’s purchase panel, from Worldpanel, is the UK’s largest single source of continuous consumer and shopper insights with 30,000 households on the panel, giving you the data you need to build the right audience.

Get more from media investments

Only advertise to the most valuable shoppers to your brand, minimising waste of impressions and maximising your return on ad spend. Focusing only on the right shoppers gives every impression a higher chance of converting your ad into a sale.

See consistency end to end

Align your media execution with your organisation’s overarching goals using Kantar’s Worldpanel data as the single source to set your targets. Media Audiences uses the same dataset as other Worldpanel solutions, ensuring a closed-loop methodology across your business.

*Based on 12 media campaigns in GB, FMCG categories, measured using Consumer Media Measure (CMM), over 2 years (2021-2022) using 52 different target audiences, Worldpanel division, Kantar