The Hispanic consumer thinks your brand doesn't care

...and that’s a problem. View our webinar to find out more.
10 September 2018
spanish man
Valeria Piaggio

Global Head DEI, Kantar Sustainable Transformation Practice

Hispanics are among the fastest-growing, most influential consumer segments in the U.S. today. With buying power projected to reach $1.8 trillion by 2021 and influence that reaches throughout mainstream American culture, they demonstrate higher-than-average consumption across a variety of different categories (including retail, food and beverage, auto, real estate, personal care, tech and infant care).

In other words, they’ve got everything a brand would want in a consumer segment. Yet few brands are effectively engaging Hispanic consumers. This strategic failure leaves money on the table and potentially puts businesses in long-term peril. Perhaps worse, new research from U.S. MONITOR finds that only half of Hispanic Americans believe that brands today care about them. For brands with an existing Hispanic strategy, the implication is clear: it’s time to move beyond superficial measures that simply don’t register with today’s Hispanic consumers.

During this webinar Valeria Piaggio, Head of Identity & Inclusivity Insights, Consulting Division, Kantar, and special guest Roberto Ruiz, Univision’s EVP of Research, Insights & Analytics explore the following questions:

  • How can brands create meaningful, lasting and data-backed strategies to grow their share with Hispanics?
  • What are the best approaches to engage today’s Hispanics via cultural marketing?
  • Which brands and campaigns are getting it right with Hispanics, and why?

The session concludes with Kantar Consulting’s proprietary Hispanic-market brand audit—a multi-faceted review of a brand’s ability to connect with this growing, dynamic audience.

View webinar